Read the article, but the part the really pisses me off is the part where 30% actually got money back from the government in 2009!!! Are you kidding me. No wonder we're in debt up to our great grand children's' ears. And I'm still young. Granted it goes on to say that appears to be a high for not paying income taxes but the projects for 2010 is 49.5% and for 2011 46.4% That's ridiculous! If the tax code didn't piss you off before, it should now.
I will bring up the
Fair Tax again. The fair tax eliminates this ridiculous income tax that apparently only applies to half of the population, my family included. It replaces it with a national sales tax much like several states have in lieu of an income tax. That means everyone that shops in this great country of ours pays taxes. Legals, illegals, residents, visitors, rich, middle-class, poor. There's a provision to pre-bate the tax for food necessities to everyone. Hence the fairness factor. It doesn't discriminate against anyone. If you are receiving government assistance, you are at least paying some of it back when you spend. If you are rich out the wazoo and spending like a kid in a candy store, then there are no loopholes to keep you from paying taxes.
This takes the level of households taxed from 50% to 100% of the people in this country at any given time. So why can't democrats and republicans agree on this? Because they are both filled with power hungry politicians who realize that the fair tax takes some power away from them. Self-righteous sons of bitches!!!!
You should first read up on the
Fair Tax and then write your representative and your senators and let them know you want them to support the Fair Tax.